Telephone Etiquette

10 posts

The 7 Critical Telephone Customer Service Skills

In order to ensure that your call center customer service training has a real impact on your CSRs and truly delivers a return on your training investment, the first step is to decide which specific skills you need to emphasize in your training effort. Many call centers make the mistake […]

Communicating Under Stress

Asking better questions can allow us to start thinking about the unknown, because questions focus our attention, and provide a theme for continued exploration. Effective interpersonal communication has never been more important, given the fast pace and intensified competitiveness of the modern work world. The paradox is that those same […]

The Most Critical Customer Service Skills

In order to ensure that your call center customer service training has a real impact on your CSRs and truly delivers a return on your training investment, the first step is to decide which specific skills you need to emphasize in your training effort. Many call centers make the mistake […]

Customer Service Training Killers

For more than 20 years we have been developing and delivering corporate training programs, in a broad range of complex and competitive industries. We continually refine and improved our process, always looking for opportunities to improve both learner satisfaction and business impact. Over the years we have seen many amazingly […]

Customer Service Training Pays Big Dividends

Many company’s pay lip service only, to the fact they train their employees in customer service. They tout their customer service as being excellent, but in reality fail miserably in the real world execution of it. The question I ask is, if their claims are true then why for the […]

The 5 Gifts Every Customer Wants

Customers want solutions to their problems, right? Well, yes, but that’s what they want from what you’re selling. What do they want from you, personally? According to Bob Burg, author of Adversaries into Allies: Win People Over Without Manipulation or Coercion, your customers want the following five gifts: The 5 […]

Stephen Humburg: How to “WOW” Your Customer

In retail management for 30 years, I have developed my own successful method for REALLY satisfying a customer. Here we look at WOWING YOUR CUSTOMER to both impact customer satisfaction, and maximize the chance the customer returns to buy from you and/or your company. Read more… Stephen Humburg: How to […]

How to Deal With Headache-Inducing Customers

All customers, even the angry ones, are relatively easy to deal with — most of the time. As long as you show a genuine interest in helping them, the majority of people you do business with won’t waste their time making your life frustrating just for the fun of it. But […]

Creating a Spirit of Service

Companies that really put extraordinary service at the top of their priority list establish the ground rules for good service while also working to build a genuine customer-friendly “spirit” in all employees throughout the organization. Practically every organization in today’s hyper-competitive marketplace claims that it “puts the customer first,” and […]

5 Keys to Effective Customer Service

There are no hard and fast rules that can be applied with absolute precision to every company, but here are five general guidelines to achieve and maintain consistent, high-quality service that increases customer loyalty and retention. Customer service has always been an important element of good business, but in the […]